Thursday, June 24, 2010

she like..

"what have you done for me lately?
..idk, i thought you were my baby?
lately, she been acting all crazy.
breathing in my face, all hot no AC.
i'm thinking, maybe it's me.
i musta signed the dotted line
without reading the extra fees.
geese if i woulda knew nagging & complaining
were in the small print,
i never woulda signed that shit!
but since i'm in a binding contract,
with all the love i give out, i expect a little back.
i mean, i'll take like 65% of that,
haa & that includes hittin' that ;)
no 'where yah ats'
or 'wha cha doing'
or even having thoughts of who im screwing!
other than you, who else could it be?
i didn't know love came with so many insecurities.

i'm giving you bad customer service,
i'm giving you bad customer service,
you aint't pay, or even deserve this."

- K.I.T. / my boyfriend. ..the beat goes in, & the lyrics are real.

funny that this is one of my favorite songs now.. every word hits me.
maybe because it's so true. played it atleast 7x today.

listen to it here :P

p.s. if you're reading this,
"sorry" is getting too played out.
i've decided i will no longer be needing that word.
i know.. actions speak louder than words.
my actions, & yours.